What is an End of Life Doula?

As death doula, also known as an end-of-life doula or death midwife, I am a professional who provides unique yet comprehensive support to people who are dying and their families.  With my background, I collaborate easily and effectively with medical personnel, taking a systems approach.

What do I do as a Geriatric Care Manager/Death Doula?

  • As a gentle yet authoritative advocate, help end of life wishes/advanced directives be honored throughout the dying process.  
  • Assure continuity of the care plan, provide ongoing education to all in the circle of care including paid caregivers and medical professionals.
  • Manage transitions with or for the family/HCP (e.g., transfer to hospice services, possibly placing out or hiring in 24-hour care, making referrals). Provide ongoing oversight and monitoring, especially for people without family nearby.
  • Provide dying person and family emotional and logistical support services at any point in the process including before hospice is on board or what I would call palliative/comfort care.  
  • Educate family new to the dying process as well as their loved one’s unique needs.
  • Provide 1:1 bedside care as needed, cultivating calm and supportive environment as well as space for letting go.
  • Work with senses i.e. music, positioning, touch, aroma therapy, light, etc.  
  • Can include creating a bedside page or book with bio, pictures and favorite poems for volunteers and caregivers to use as a tool to know this person on a more intimate level.  
  • Assess and work with nursing in person to optimize pain management with PRN meds as medical advocate.
  • Update family and/or HCP as person moves through the dying process 
  • Facilitate medical decision making with family or HCP.
  • Troubleshoot and resolve issues, conflicts or gaps in care.
  • Provide after death logistical and emotional support including grief counseling.

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